Wednesday, July 27, 2005

One fine day a flock of Influenza virus hovered around Taylor's College looking for a victim to infect and spotted Phoebe and thought: aha this gal hit a blue-green insect and made it curl up dat day..she shall be the next victim..muahaha. And so these microscopic viruses invaded her system, easily going through her body's non-specific immune response.But. Got caught up in her specific immune response :D

As her body detected the presence of pathogens, macrophages(Antigen Presenting Cells, APC) then ingested these bacteria, cutting them up into small small pieces and presented them on their cell surface membranes in grooves within MHC proteins via the antigen presentation process. Inside lymph nodes, APC cells then joined with T-helper and B cells, before selecting a particular T helper cell or B cell which has antibody receptors specific for the antigen. This process is called clonal selection. Selected B and T helper cells then divide themselves to form clones, and the clones of the T helper cells then secreted cytokine to stimulate the selected B cells to differentiate into B-plasma and memory cells =D

B plasma cells then secreted antibodies into the blood and lymph and coated the influenza virus, marking them for phagocytosis by neutrophils or macrophages. " NO!!" shouted the influenza virus, " we will not be defeated! We will multiply more *snigger*" And with the help of excess SULPHUR a.k.a rotten egg smell, the influenza virus became stronger...And Phoebe's body is currently producing more B- plasma and memory cells to combat these wild buggers.

Victory will be hers, in a few day's time.


Unknown said...

Can't believe I'm so bad in bio, can't even visualise what you're talking about. I assume you mean you're getting sick.

phoebe said...

its ok =P its a super shortened version of wats actually happenin:) and diagrams help.