Saturday, February 05, 2005

Tired. Gettin freakin tired of leading the life im leading now..

On the plus side,friends have come forward to show me how much they really care...thanks a lot guys..u all noe who you are...even though i may not show it much, i truly AM grateful for having friends like you guys, and i hope that i'll be able to be a good a fren to you guys as you guys are to me. =)

Juz been to jin soon's party, i think its a housewarming party, coz he recently shifted, and yea, it was not a bad party=) thanks jin soon! for d food n transport back..nice house u have. Thinking bout js's party reminds me of tp's housewarmin party. Dat was fun too...i took one pic of everyone starin at d tv:P will post it up soon=)

Another day down. Time for bed. And to discard all d problems for next 8 hours.

1 comment:

kang said...

hey tell me bout "it" yeah?