Friday, May 29, 2009

File For Graduation!

1. Results

:) Not bad not bad last minute also not bad :)))
2. library notice
Note from the Library to graduating students

Your library membership as a student ceases when you receive your exams result. You may apply for an external library membership as an alumnus.

HAHAHAHA as if i want to enter you again!
3. Status Change
Year: 2008/2009
Semester: 2
Period: After Exam
You application to convert from 'File for Graduation with option to do Honours Project' to 'File for Graduation' have been submitted successfully. You will be contacted by email later whether your application is approved or not.

i'm finally an official graduate! :))))


Unknown said...

LOL, you hate ur uni so much... so like how I hate my flying sch...

Unknown said...

you hate your flying school? but you love flying right :)

Unknown said...

Flying sch is a different matter...