Sunday, April 13, 2008


Darn pissed off at my neighbour now who is damn inconsiderate.

Every morning wake up like 6-ish 7 then start blaring music damn loud like her eardrums going to burst. And the wall separating her room and mine is so thin, altho she's in architecture she just seems to laze in her room the whole day watching korean series (with volume damn loud)

now she's playing her music again damn super loud and I can't study for my test! I've told her off a few times she never seems to listen! Some ppl are just sooo inconsiderate.

The neighbour opposite me smokes, in the front the 2 vietnamese cook everyday and never wash up dishes and make a mess out of the fridge and kitchen..and somebody used to spray mosquitoe repellent into the common bathroom everyday!

Talk about retardedness...ish.

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