Friday, September 14, 2007

Rush Week

This week has been crazy.

It was basically a rush from start till now.

Sunday: Rush to finish reading organic chem test
Monday, Tues, Wed: Rush to finish tutorial assignments, lab reports, lectures, sending out mass emails for museum club.

Thurs, Fri: Mad rush to complete stats assignments, think of major event for club, send out mass emails, print out membership forms, rush to redo stats assignment cos did wrongly:(, now rush to study for tuesday's test.

Phew. What a tiring week!

Yesterday morning at around 8.26 am I felt the tremor of the earthquake for the FIRST time in my life :D. Well, I was lying on my bed then i sorta felt the bed shake slightly. Should be the tremor :P Hehehe. If i wasn't lying on my bed I wouldnt feel anything again.

Tomorrow is going out day! :D After stressing for like 2 weeks plus non stop, it's time to take a tiny time out and to relax. Dinner will be with some old primary skul frens and pui ee! Havent seen her in ages. Well maybe in the afternoon when i get bored i'll study in the shopping mall. Damn no life I know. Well, here really no life one :P Hope I wont get sued :P


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