Sunday, April 01, 2007

Two tests down and 1 more to go before home sweet home! :D

I'm also proud to say that I've finished my Carbon Nanotubes Term Paper!

*applause for rajin Phoebe*

THank you thank you thank you.

Last friday I had this biodiversity field trip to the SINGAPORE ZOO!!! *beams in glee* I havent been there since I was a small little girl, and I ALWAYS love going to zoos and bird parks and theme parks :D

And this time it's free too! :)

Of course, my cam batt just had to die after i just took a few pics :(

Thank goodness there was one kind hearted fella who agreed to send me pics of d animals he took :D

Pics and more details up soon! Now to ace this final test first before going home home home :)

Oh, and one more thing...

I absolutely heart Chris Daughtry's voice and his songs and his new album :D


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