Friday, September 12, 2008

I can write very fast.

Saya boleh menulis dengan speed yang amat sangat cepat sekali.


Well, you see, since my brain is the type whereby I can't rmb what the lecturer says, i've resorted to writing everything down. And well I can write everything down :D Even if you're talking super blazing super fast. Try me :)

I write so much that when my friend Anubhav sees my notes, he goes GOSH HOW CAN YOU WRITE SO FAST IT'S CRAZY! and when I see your notes I get overwhelmed and feel a headache coming :D Cos my notes is super lot of notes all written down at the side of slides.


Just wanted to boast about my writing speed. I should become a journalist.


Went back had tons of fun ate too much and came back with a stomachache. Now i'm 97% recovered but energy levels still at 85%. Walk a lot also will get tired easily.

Oh yea. Have a 30% test next Thursday! 30%!!!! Damn crazy and insane.

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