Friday, August 31, 2007

Haha I'm so getting into this blogging mood.

The time's now 10.17pm. I went out at 7.45 am in the morning, and I got back at around 9sth -.-" Stupid insane crazy 8am classes. And I've got 3 days at 8am, and 2 days 8am-6pm, and one day 10-5pm NON STOP. Crazy.

Anyway that's not my point.

Went to draw blood today! Omg the stupid needle so long and so scaryyy!
Prof: Why, scared ah? Dunnid to be scared =p
Me: scared of the needle lol =p
Anyway. He poked it into my vein then i see the blood stream out bleh. Filled 2 tubes then ugghh luckily the needle was then quickly pulled out. phew. Thank you kang for temaning me =p

As for the museum club thing, I dunno yet, results are yet to be out :)

After the museum club I went for stargazing! At the uni field. It's by the prof of this module that i'm taking, understanding the universe. Met Katie, an US exchange student which I met in the lecture, and we went for this stargazing trip together =)
We saw jupiter!! and its 4 moons hehe. Sooo cool. Jupiter was really bright in the sky, it was like a bring dot with red streaks across it :D Hehehe. So cool. I love astronomy. We were also shown the ring nebula, scorpio, sagittarius, libra, virgo :)

I found a stall that sells yummy char siew bao !! :D This is a big deal here okay, cos so far the char siew baos here are all sucky yucks compared to those in msia. The stall also sells yummy egg tarts :D


Thursday, August 30, 2007

I saw my best primary school friend when I came to uni in August. I was so surprised and soo delighted to see her haha. Basically cos I've always wondered where did she go after secondary school, since I can never find her in some pic during bloghoppings.

She still looks the same, except the hair's dyed and curled up. She still sounds the same, and she still laughs the same haha. But as I've said, time wrecks friendships. I don't know her anymore, what she likes, what she dislikes, all I know of her is how she was. Oh well.

There was a bazaar at Science today! Crystal necklaces going at one buck each OMG o.0. That's the absolutely best deal I have ever come across in my whole life man. So naturally I bought 3 :P If there were more nicer ones I would have bought more :P I mean, even the basic COST of these things exceed 1 buck!

Last night met my cousin at the 'biggest' shopping mall in sg, and we had yummy thai food. I ordered the pork ribs noodle soup, where u noe u have this soup that tastes full of herbs and spices :P Well this one was a bit too sweet, but at least still got flavour. Dunno why the meat no flavour at all -.-" Here the egg and meat no flavour one i dunno why. How do you make an egg have no egg flavour and meat have no meat flavour? o.0 I miss bah kut teh :(

Anyway, my cousin's life is so good now. :) so so nice. Makes me look forward to working. No more exams! No more stress! No more being forced to join cca that you're not really interested in!No more joining activities for the sake of earning points so that you can stay on next semester! No more lousy china tutors! No more... you get my point. oh, NO MORE STAYING IN SG! :P I hope i find a sg company based in msia. Pls pls pls pls pls man. Cannot tahan studying anymore.

Speaking of CCA, had my Museum club interview today. Nah its not really bout museums and history btw. Its bout organizing bazaars! :P :D Yayy. Should be okay, election's tmr!

Haih tmr nid to kena draw 10ml blood for some research study. Shall tahan long needle phobia for 100 bucks. Tahan tahan tahan. *thinks of long needle and blanches*

Craving good food :( Craving a bowl of nice yummy steaming hot soup :( Craving a huge huge bowl of hot dessert :( Craving yummy green tea ice cream :( Craving yummy thick milo like the one I drank near Harold's place. That one was like practically the whole tin of milo dumped into one cup lol.

Okie, toodles.

coastal zone

AHhh love this song so much :D It's from that taiwan series that I was so obsessed about =p

Saturday, August 25, 2007

50 things Malaysian

(article from The Star)

50 Things Malaysian


1. Nasi lemak
2. Nasi kandar
3. Roti canai
4. Teh tarik
5. Kajang Satay
6. Ramly Burger
7. Char koay teow
8. ABC (air batu campur)
9. Rojak
10. Yee sang

11. Lah
12. Brudder
13. Ta pau
14. Cin-cai
15. Aiyo
16. Malaysia Boleh
17. Yam seng
18. Mat Salleh

19. Tunku Abdul Rahman
20. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
21. Tan Sri P. Ramlee
22. Sudirman
23. Mat Rempit
24. Ah Long
25. Lat

Buildings & Places
26. Genting Highlands
27. Penang Bridge
28. Putrajaya
29. Sepang International Circuit
30. Petronas Twin Towers
31. Mount Kinabalu
32. KL International Airport
33. Pasar malam
34. Malacca
35. Dataran Merdeka
36. 24-hour Mamak stall
37. Batu Caves

Culture and Others
38. Proton
39. Balik kampung
40. Open house
41. Baju kurung
42. Baba-Nyonya
43. Malaysian hospitality
44. “Malaysian time”
45. Joget
46. MyKad or identity card
47. Longhouse
48. Vision 2020
49. Ang pow in many colours
50. Wayang Kulit

Haha. Love Malaysian FOOD man. And pasar malams! :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Long Awaited (hopefully) Update

Greetings from the small tiny dot on the world map!

Fine, a teeennnyyy tiny dot.

This sem i'm going to have to take SIX modules (normal ppl take 5 max here) thanks to sucky admin who refuse to give me exemptions for 1st year modules. I'm already a 2nd year student!

However, this 2nd year lectures are seemingly more interesting, and I actually find myself drawn to flip thru the textbooks and look at all the knitty gritty details :D
Perhaps its cos I've done half of it in NTU already, so I've already gotten the gist of most of the stuff. Hopefully that'll help me get to the top of the darn bell curve.

A belated birthday shoutout to one of my dearest frens, Christopher Lim who has already left Msia and gone off to the States, vowing not to return ever again :P (kidding chris, come back sooN! ;) ) Thanks for the wonderful meetup in kl, I certainly wont forget some of the nice things that you've said about me hehe. *ego swells* You really made me realize some stuff about myself haha. I'll continue reading robin cook + science mags! :P *winks* Take good care in US okie? And stay in touch yea. In other words, stay up late so i can talk to u online in msn! :P


Sigh. Stuck in this place for another two years if i wanna do honours. Sounds so much better, 2nd lower/ 2nd upper/ 1st CLASS HONOURS compared to pass with merit bachelors of science. Haiyer...cant wait to get out of this place. *stares daggers*

Miss my family the most, and a few friends left in msia who are waiting to go to UK. Haha. Everyone's flying away on a jet plane...I'm glad I just have to take a bus and go back and see my darling family whenever I want! *sidenote: when they permit me to return*

Heart heart heart.

I wish it was mid sept now, where its mid sem hols! :D Yay!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Haha currently obsessed with this taiwan drama - the kid from heaven, or tian tang lai de hai zi. :) The little boy in this series is damn cute haha. Super nice series. Too bad I cant finish watching it and have to go back to that place to study.